01 November 2007

Halloween AM-PM

Halloween was great! We started the day off early with carving our pumpkins at 7:30 in the morning. Then Bennett went to school wearing black and orange. Bennett was very concerned about having his orange Analog t-shirt ready to wear. These days they don't allow kids to wear their costumes to school. It is probably for the best. It was cool to see all the kids in black and orange. Then we went trick-or-treating around our neightborhood with some good friends. Joey's parents also came over and spent the evening with us. It was a great night.


Heather O. said...

Cute costumes. Looks like fun!

maryam said...

So cute! Love the costumes!

SUMMER said...

Oh my Annie! They look absolutely DARLING! Let's hang out this week. Saturday was too short!