27 March 2008

Girls Night Out!

Tonight we took my good friend Reny out for her be-lated birthday dinner. It was so fun. We hit a favorite, Javier's and had Pinkberry after. Thanks girls! That was so fun to get out of the house and chat with the girls! We need to do it more often!


maryam said...

Looks like a FUN night! I love Javier's! Happy birthday, Reny!

Cathi said...

I love girls night out! Looking at your profile, we have TONS of music in common! Before I became obsessed with Muse I was seriously lovin' Shiny Toy Guns! All those groups are awesome!

SUMMER said...

Both yummy places to hit up!!! Cute picture!

Anonymous said...

You all look like sisters! So cute! Glad you got to have a fun girls night out!

karlin said...

How fun! I totally know Reny. We used to be in same ward. And is that Becky? I know her too (through a friend) Small world. Cute girls! I don't know how you are living without having Joey around. Stay safe!

Moody Family... said...

cute girls!