12 April 2009

Easter Sunday

Easter morning at our house was complete with 2 hyper egg hunters at our bedside at first light, some new easter hats, and a baby sister peacefully oblivious to the whole thing.


Melissa said...

How cute your kiddos are! Phoebe is getting so big! Hope you had a great Easter!

Toby and Holly said...

Sweet pictures!!

Patty said...

Your kids are SO cute! I can't believe you have 3 now. It has been so long. We just had our 4th. Our last 2 are very close in age. Lilly was born 3/5/05 and Oliver was just born 2/9/09. Here is a link to our blog. http://web.me.com/pattywilcox/PattyWilcox/Welcome.html

SUMMER said...

So adorable! These pics look professional! And I LOVE the one of Stella's hair when she first woke up... classic!!! When can you guys get together?

Unknown said...

Nicole gave me the link to your site recently and I just had to let you know what a beautiful family you have! It made me sad to realize how long it has been since I have seen you. Monique has 2 beautiful girls that I just can't get enough of. I would love for all of us to get together!!
Love to you all